Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Big Kudos to Publix!

I read in the newspaper this morning that Publix has now converted all of it's generic brand milk to hormone-free! Woo Hoo! AND, they aren't even changing the price. Even sweeter!

Part of my simplicity journey is about living consciously. Frugal, sure, but conscious- that's the key. Living "simple" to me doesn't have a lot to do with money. Well, it has a lot to do with money in the aspect that by changing the way I live, I change the way I spend, but what I mean is that it's not *all* about saving money. It's about being WISE with my money.

Anyway, back to the conscious part.

One of my biggest goals is to buy/eat more local produce and "natural" foods. I would rather eat less and and have quality, healthy foods than to eat more and it just be junk.

So thanks Publix! You've appealed to my quest for healthy as well as helped my featherweight purse. But really, this is just step 1. What I'd love to end up doing is buying local milk. I'll get there. Slow and steady.

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