Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Don't Gloat

'Cause then you will wake up one morning to a kitchen looking like
<---THIS. I posted last night bragging about how I had loaded the dishwasher and then used the same 4 plates all day. Well, the girls had gone to their father's house for the night. I made myself and Kevin a scrumptious Blueberry Cobbler from the blueberries my sweet neighbor brought me, and then we ate the ENTIRE thing. Apparently, good cobbler has the same effect as booze, because I must have blacked out about the sink. Have you ever read anything about "Flylady"? It's a site/book about organizing your life and keeping things nice and tidy.

One of the big things from Flylady is to always keep your kitchen sink sparkling. When I first read it, I did it pretty religiously for about a week. But you know how it goes- messiness is like an addiction, slip just one time and it all goes down the toilet. I remembered this morning and immediately shined my sink after making breakfast. Nice work, if I say so myself.

According to Flylady, if you keep your sink clean at all times, even when your house is really messy, and you are feeling depressed about it, you can go to your kitchen and admire your beautiful sink. And you know what? It really DOES make you feel better. So ladies....GO SHINE YOU SINK :)

I haven't been keeping up with the Barnes & Noble class, shame on me. I haven't even read the book in 2 days. When my girls leave tonight, I PROMISE I will read and try to catch up. Kevin was very ashamed that I wasn't able to "keep up with my homework".

I took a cleaning sabbatical the last few days too. I don't know what the deal is, I'm just sitting on my ass playing on the computer instead of doing "real work". BUT, I did finish 80 unpaper towels of various sizes, 40 bibs, and an organic cotton outfit to sell at this weekend's craft fair :) I guess that counts for something! I also cleaned and organized my sewing area a little.

So maybe I *have* been doing something!

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