Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I am very lucky indeed

I feel very fortunate that i have a hubby who is "into" simplicity like I am. We have some different ideas and thoughts on it, but we feel the same about the basic concepts. He has been reading the Simple Living Guide along with me and has had quite a bit to say about a few things in it. Some good, some bad, some eye-opening.

As for my progress of decluttering the homestead, I haven't made any progress the last 2 days. I've been sewing for a craft fair this weekend and playing with the kids a lot. Baby boy is in a "hold me now" stage, so I have to just sit around a lot with him in my lap. He's too big to carry around and do anything! I sure will be thankful when he can walk.

I do have one accomplishment today. The girls & I have been eating off the same 4 plates all day. I just wash them off after every meal and sit them aside for the next. I want to start doing this every day. I find myself running the dishwasher TWICE a day lately, and that's just ridiculous.

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