Sunday, July 23, 2006

Step one on time management

I've long known that my time arch-rival is the internet. It's an addiction. When I don't get online for a few hours, I feel like I'm missing something. Like someone might send me a million dollars to my paypal account, and I'll miss it.
My real nemesis is a chat board. I go there and just 'browse' to waste time. Read some, post some, but usually just a time-catcher. I took myself off of it today. Took away the temptation. The hubby says I will just replace the time with reading blogs. I disagree, I think that with a discussion board, you can click "new posts" throughout the day and see new things to read. With the blogs, people post once a day. I read a new post, I'd done until the next day.
So in 1 month I'll report back and report whether or not my husband is right :D

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