Friday, September 08, 2006

Commercial-Free Parenting

I hate TV. Well, mostly I just hate commercials. I try to stick with PBS and Boomerang since they have cartoons but no commercials. PBS has added a few here and there between shows, but nothing flashy or blingy. I loathe Nickelodeon. I swear, it seems like every commercial is about how to make your little girl more like a teenage ho. And in that train of thought- who was the evil person that created Bratz dolls????? Not only is is offensive to refer to them as "brats", but they look like HOOKERS. Plain and simple. And I used to think Barbie was bad! She's a respectable woman now compared to those little sluts!!!

And Cartoon Network? Uh yeah...they advertise WEIGHT LOSS products between shows. Nice.
But back to commercials....They really hurt the simplicity quest. I get the toys all streamlined and basic. Good for creativity and thoughful play. Then they are bombarded with commercials for useless junk and convinced that they "need" it. I guess in reality, though, it's my responsibility to police the TV better, so I guess I'm typing this "out loud" in an attempt to hold myself more accountable and DO SOMETHING about it.


Kim said...

It made a huge difference for us when we canceled cable. Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel were nothing but commercials for crap--and WE were paying to watch that?

Kamrin said...

We too are a PBS only home! On Saturday mornings they have Nickelodeon on so the kids can see Dora, and Deigo. I hate the commercials! Baby girl will eventually ask for something she sees advertised. Sigh. I tell her "See? They did a good job with that commercial to make you ask for something you don't want/need/or even know what it is." She just looks at me and says "Oh."
Gonna go clean out some more of my kids toys!

Marnie said...

we mostly do dvds. that way i get to seriously police all content. i don't even like PBS for some of the morality it tries to teach. I'd rather be in charge of my kid's morality and leave tv as entertainment.

noggin's ok. a lot of mostly benign shows based on book characters and no commercials. Plus there are the Nick shows my squid likes to watch.

i notice a big difference - nearly all of the girls in my kid's class are into princess and barbie and makeup and high heels. My girl, even when we're at someone's house and those shows come on, gets bored of them easily and doesn't get sucked in. She likes to "paint her toenails" with magic markers, but thwn again, she's covering her whole body with them, too.