I was reading the other day about slowing down. Driving slower. Living slower. Taking everything in instead of racing past life.
As I sat in the pick-up line at my childrens' school yesterday, I saw a prime example...
There are 2 women who take turns directing traffic at the school. All parents have a card w/a # on it. Our kids have the same # and come out when it is called. One of the women rushes around. I used to think she really takin' care of business and doing a fabulous job. But now I realize, that she's just frantic and stressed. She races down the line taking numbers 1/2 way down the street. She yells at the cars that don't move up fast enough to "move up! squeeze in!" trying to get as many cars as she can out of the road and into the school's driveway. She actually directs traffic like a police officer! And like I said, I always think she's doing a fabulous job.
Then there's woman #2. She is laid back, calm, and relaxed. She NEVER walks to the street, she just takes numbers as you pull into the driveway. She walks slowly and talks softly. She *never* yells. I've always thought she was lazy and didn't like bus duty.
And then I read a chapter in Elaine St. James' book, Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter. So I timed the ladies. It takes me the EXACT same amount of time to get through the line, regardless of who is out there working. Ms. Frantic is just stressing herself out for nothing. I want to tell her to calm down, relax, and smell the roses now :) And I want to tell Ms. Blah "Right On" and apologize for thinking Ms. Frantic did a "better" job just because she LOOKED more busy.
I stopped speedracing in the car long ago. I realized when I was in my early 20s that cussing, flipping people off, and getting fuming angry behind the wheel did nothing to change the traffic but only made me feel nervous and stressed. I'm a much more relaxed, and I think better driver now. In the past, if someone pulled out in a parking lot w/o looking and almost hit me, "Moron". Now...well, I still think they are a moron, but I don't get *angry* about it because I figure they were obviously distracted and not intentionally trying to hit me. So many people I know that things so personal. My ex-husband used to think everyone on the road was intentionally trying to wreck with him.
Slow Down. Enjoy.
Yesterday, I took the baby and preschooler to a Nature Preserve. It was so nice and peaceful. Nothing but the sounds and smells of the wetland. We sat there on a bench talking about what we heard and smelled. It was so refreshing and a wonderful reminder to me to slow down and LISTEN to the world around me :)
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